Super TTT & TTF Dates for 2023-24

You can choose the dates as per your convinience

BeginnerTrain The Trainer (3 Days)Mar 10th to 12th, 2023OnlineRegular Fee: Rs 25,000/- only
Early Bird Fee: Rs 20,000/- only
BeginnerTrain The Trainer (3 Days)
Prerequisites: None
May 12th to 14th, 2023OnlineRegular Fee: Rs 25,000/- only
Early Bird Fee: Rs 20,000/- only
AdvancedTrain The Facilitator (3 Days)
Prerequisites: TTT Level 1
June 9th to 11th, 2023HybridRegular Fee: Rs 25,000/- only
Early Bird Fee: Rs 20,000/- only
AdvancedSoft Skills Trainer (3 Days)
Prerequisites: TTT Level 1
June 23th to 25th, 2023OnlineRegular Fee: Rs 25,000/- only
Early Bird Fee: Rs 20,000/- only
BeginnerTrain The Trainer (3 Days)
Prerequisites: None
Aug 11th to 13th, 2023OnlineRegular Fee: Rs 25,000/- only
Early Bird Fee: Rs 20,000/- only
BeginnerTrain The Trainer (3 Days)
Prerequisites: None
Oct 5th to 8th, 2023OnlineRegular Fee: Rs 25,000/- only
Early Bird Fee: Rs 20,000/- only
AdvancedTrain The Facilitator (3 Days)
Prerequisites: TTT Level 1
Nov 3rd to 5th, 2023HybridRegular Fee: Rs 25,000/- only
Early Bird Fee: Rs 20,000/- only
AdvancedNLP & EI Trainer* (3 Days)
NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner, EI Master Practitoner . TTT Level 1, TTT Level 2
Dec 1st to 3rd. 2023HybridRegular Fee: Rs 30,000/- only
Early Bird Fee: Rs 25,000/- only

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