Program Spectrum

Be a star each time you facilitate.

The purpose of each presentation, facilitation or training session is to bring positive change and raise the level of knowledge among the participants. The most powerful way to do this is by creating immersive experiences during your sessions.

Train the Trainer – Immersive is a unique program that helps you master the experiential facilitation methodology. This enables you to work in real-time and lets you deliver training with maximum change. The program also uses the NLP based ‘Accelerated Learning Methodology‘ where participants learn faster naturally. The program is designed in a way to enhance your awareness and confidence as a facilitator.  We also include the best practice tools & techniques helping you become a facilitator with exceptional competence.

The Dive
  • Fundaments of Facilitation
  • Dynamics of Experiential Learning
  • Rapport, Engagement
  • Charisma & Magic
  • Approaches to Training & Facilitation
  • Fundamentals of Experience Design
  • Well Formed Outcomes
  • Initiating Experiences
The Play
  • Where are you at?
  • Building Aligned Experiences
  • Activities & Roleplays
  • Tonality & Body Language
  • Storytelling & Dramatization
  • Designing Training Programs
  • Contextual Program Design
  • Content Creation & Tools
  • Pro Techniques
  • Packaging, Branding & Delivery
The Wizard
  • Anchoring skills
  • Presentation Skills
  • Developing your facilitation style
  • Managing Resistance
  • The Champion State
  • Image management & marketing
  • Real time incorporation of the feedback
  • Re-imprinting plan
  • Assesments & Certifications

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Your destiny is in your hands.
This programs enables you to be a powerful facilitator and fulfil your own dreams,
as well as the dreams of those who attend your training and programs.
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